Safe tunnels under Odense's new light rail

Light rails are emerging. Three cities in Denmark are in the process of either building or designing the new public transport. Odense opens its first light rail in 2020, but it has already begun the construction to accommodate the 14.5 km-long stretch.

Safety in tunnels
One of the tunnels to Bilka and Ikea will be extended to make room for the future light rail through Odense.

Tunnels appear “dangerous” pretty fast if you come across just the smallest graffiti. This is to be avoided by giving all the surfaces several different types of anti-graffiti protection.

Protected against graffiti
All Remove protected the Jorton A/S tunnels with FACEAL Oleo impregnation, to ensure the anti-soil effect on the surfaces. Also, walls and other surfaces were treated with PSS20, in order for any graffiti, illegal poster and sticker to be removed easily.

A total surface of 900 m2 has been protected. In the future, pedestrians and cyclists will feel safe in the tunnels on their way to and from the stores.